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Spanish Poker Dice Rules

The objective of Poker Dice game is to roll best possible poker hand using 5 six-sided dice. Special poker dice with playing card representations (Ace, King, Queen, Jack, 10, and 9 in high to low order) are also available to play this game.

We offer you the most complete on-line guide with tutorials so that you and your children can learn the rules of the most fun and entertaining card games. From classics like Poker and Mus to games featuring your children’s favourite characters. Everybody plays poker these days. It's the thing to do. It's almost become a bit too expected and a bit trendy. If you're looking for an alternative game to play with a larger group of people, Mexican poker is it. This rummy based game is easy to learn, easy to play, and can provide hours of fun for. They come up 1, 6, 6, 6 and the player decides to set aside all four dice and his score is increased by 700 points (1 = 100 + 6, 6, 6 = 600) giving a total of 900 so far. All six dice are scoring so the player decides to continue his turn by rolling them all again. This time he is unlucky and rolls 2, 3, 3, 4, 6, 6. Rules to Period Games. There are many period games for which we have rules, or at least are capable of guessing at the rules. The following are the ones I know of, on the Net. Note that these descriptions come from a wide variety of places and people, so the quality of reconstruction and description may vary a bit.

No Of Players: 2 or more players

Poker Dice Game Play:

In each round players take turn in clockwise manner to roll five dice up to a maximum of 3 times. After each roll players can set aside one or more dice and then roll remaining dice. Players may choose to not set aside any dice and roll all five dice in second as well as third roll.

Spanish Poker Dice Rules

Players are not required is roll for exactly 3 times. They may end their turn after first and second roll also.

Poker hands are ordered in sequence from highest to lowest as following

  1. Five of a kind – All 5 dice showing the same number
  2. Four of a kind – 4 dice showing the same number
  3. Full house – 3 dice with one number and 2 dice showing another number
  4. Straight – Five sequential dice(1-2-3-4-5 or 2-3-4-5-6)
  5. Three of a kind – 4 dice showing the same number
  6. Two pairs – 2 dice pairs showing same number
  7. One pair – 2 dice showing same number
  8. Bust – All dice numbers are different

In some variants Straight is not considered a poker hand. Also, some variants define sequence of numbers from high to low to be 1, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2. If you are using special poker dice then aces are high, then king, queen, jack, 10 and 9 in high to low sequence.

Since there are no suits, there can be no flush.

At the end of each round player with highest poker hand wins. If there is a tie between two or more players then those players again roll five dice to make highest poker hand and win.

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Spanish Poker Dice Rules

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