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Bullitos Poker

Frank Op de Woerd
  • Phil Galfond aka MrSweets28 increases the table load in this six table session featuring recent tough opponents in ActionFreak and Bullitos. As a bonus, Phil has one table featuring the $530 6max PLO SCOOP event.
  • David 'Bullitos' van der Weele is a Dutch poker pro who hails from the city of Groningen. In his youth van der Weele spent his time either playing sports, namely football (soccer).

In this week's Online Railbird Report, PokerNews looks into the three major pots in the last three weeks, online high-stakes action and the 2016 leaderboard, which has some small changes but largely looks the same, despite the passing of time.

David 'Bullitos' van der Weele is a Dutch poker pro who hails from the city of Groningen. In his youth van der Weele spent his time either playing sports, namely football (soccer) and basketball. David 'Bullitos' van der Weele: 787 +$38,606-Losers. The above top three of biggest winners and losers in online poker for 2016 and the top 10 biggest winners and losers online for the last. POSTED Jul 03, 2017 Phil Galfond aka MrSweets28 concludes his short handed PLO session analysis with some 3 handed play against ActionFreak, Bullitos and Run It Once's own Durian.

The Last Three Weeks' Biggest Pots Online

Some rather large pots have been played the last three weeks. The biggest of them all was a major all in between four players on a $200/$400 PLO table. See who won and who lost right here.

1) A $178,132 Pot (445 Big Blinds) Involving Chun Lei 'SamRostan' Zhou, 'Grazvis1,' Sami 'LrsLzk' Kelopuro and Timofey 'Trueteller' Kuznetsov
($200/$400 PLO 6-Handed)

'BERRI SWEET' was first to act and made it $1,880. His neighbor folded. Sami 'LrsLzk' Kelopuro called from the cutoff before Timofey 'Trueteller' Kuznetsov squeezed on the button to $8,600. Zhou, in the small blind, repotted to $30,440 and 'Grazvis1' cold called from the big blind. While BERRI SWEET folded, all other players were up to see a flop and they called to grow the pot to a massive $124,200.

On , Zhou shoved for $24,968. Grazvis1 called all in for $21,841, Kelopuro called for $1,396 and Kuznetsov committed his last $8,453 to get to a total pot of $178,131.

PlayerHandPre-Flop Equity(chop)Flop Equity(chop)
Chun Lei 'SamRostan' Zhou38.56%(0.26%)31.25%(0.38%)
Timofey 'Trueteller' Kuznetsov29.08%(2.66%)54.17%(0.57%)
Sami 'LrsLzk' Kelopuro9.80%(4.83%)4.36%(0.19%)

The chop equity above is for running it once, but the four of them decided to run the turn and river twice. The first time it came , making Grazvis1 two pair that was somehow good, turning his 9.66 percent into a winner. The second time it came , making Zhou quads.

2) 'Aron0621' Wins a $157,356-Pot (393 big blinds) versus Timofey 'Trueteller' Kuznetsov
($200/$400 PLO Heads Up)

This hand started with Kuznetsov opening his button for $1,360. 'Aron0621' three-bet to $4,240
and called as Kuznetsov four-bet to $12,880.

With already $26,080 in the middle, Aron0621 checked on . Kuznetsov bet $10,800 and Aron0621 called to grow the pot to $47,680.

The hit the turn, and this time around, Aron0621 check-called a bet of $47,517 - almost pot.

As the completed the board, the pot was already $142,714 and Kuznetsov had just $7,329 behind. Aron0621, who had his opponent easily covered, pushed all in. Kuznetsov called holding for top-two. Aron0621 showed for a backdoor flush and scooped the pot.

3) 'fjutekk' Wins a $147,737-Pot (369 big blinds) versus David 'Bullitos' van der Weele
($200/$400 PLO Heads Up)

Aron0621 folded followed by a button raise from 'fjutekk' to $1,720. Small blind David 'Bullitos' Van der Weele three-bet to $5,880 and Mikael 'ChaoRen160' Thuritz folded his big blind. fjutekk called to see a flop in a $12,800 pot.

Van der Weele bet $8,400 on and fjutekk called. With now $29,600 in the middle, a third spade hit with the . Van der Weele bet $14,400 and fjutekk called once more.

The completed the board and Van der Weele bet pot for $58,400. fjutekk called all in for $44,668.71 holding for a flush. Van der Weele tabled for nothing but a pair of jacks and a blocker for the nut flush, leaving the pot to his opponent.

Online High-Stakes Action the Last 3 Weeks

The last time we did an update was on Nov. 17. Since then, 'kkopghy' has won almost $400,000, more than double than that of anyone else. Viktor 'Isildur1' Blom, who was for a long time this year's biggest losing player, again ended up in the black. Here's the latest online.

(user)namehandsprofit/loss last weekprofit/loss 2016profit/loss all time
Winning Players
3André 'Sira Al Aziz' Santos271+$75,756+$122,235+$51,851
4Sergio 'VeGeTTo89' Martí1,860+$74,657+$263,384+$319,996
8Viktor 'Isildur1' Blom16,644+$30,398-$494,792+$1,506,168
Losing Players
1Andrey 'Kroko-dill' Zaichenko4,178-$215,697-$185,803-$397,230
2Dan 'w00ki3z.' Cates3,317-$166,186-$117,514+$1,146,640
3Jean-Robert 'Jaqueline' Bellande4,936-$149,793-$167,474-$1,315,745
4Dani 'supernova9' Stern2,148-$125,136-$333,043-$767,504
5Mikael 'ChaoRen160' Thuritz2,977-$111,589+$462,254+$1,322,802
6Alexandros 'mexican222' Kolonias1,100-$108,697-$155,518+$19,175
7Bill 'GASTRADER' Perkins34-$77,870-$134,563-$361,575
9Christoph '26071985' Vogelsang206-$62,184-$58,660+$515,704
10Matthias 'Mati312' Brandner521-$59,831-$51,859-$56,993

The 2016 Leaderboard

Not a whole lot has changed since we last checked up on the biggest winning and losing players of the year. In the winning section, a swap of places has taken place with Andres 'Educa-p0ker' Artinano now back in second while Thuritz takes the bronze.

Both lost, but Thuritz dropped more than Artinano to drop down a spot. The biggest winner of the year remains Ben 'Sauce123' Sulsky.

'candela2005' lost a bit but remains in third spot. Both 'bodamos' and Alex 'Kanu7' Millar did not record any hands the past three weeks.

(user)namehands 2016profit/loss 2016profit/loss per hand 2016profit/loss all time↑/↓most played game 2016
Winning players
1Ben 'Sauce123' Sulsky85,257+$859,771+$10.08+$4,896,9748-game
2Andres 'Educa-p0ker' Artinano29,511+$539,974+$18.29+$960,962NLHM
3Mikael 'ChaoRen160' Thuritz51,751+$462,254+$8.93+$1,322,8028-Game
Losing players
2Alex 'Kanu7' Millar28,694-$635,521-$22.14+$2,625,070-NLHM

As an extension of the Railbird, look for tomorrow's piece on Brian Hastings quitting poker.

The above top three biggest winners and losers in online poker for 2016 and the top 10 biggest winners and losers online for the last week only consist of PokerStars accounts that haven't opted out with

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    Brian Hastings

Another year of controversy for Barcelona casino. Last year if you remember, players got they rooms broken into and computers hacked, if you want to read all about the story here is the full event in details.

This year Ansky is taking the heat by what he said the casino cheated him out of 18k euros. Here is what he said about the unfortunate event :

“We are playing €100/€200 PLO in the high stakes section of the poker room. Two players limp in EP, I make it 1100 with KhKcJd9d in MP, Juha Helppi calls in the CO, Bullitos calls after him in the SB, and an older Spanish guy pots it to 5900 from the BB. The sizing might be a tiny bit off, but not by more than 300. Limpers fold, I call, Juha calls and Bullitos does as well. The pot is roughly 24k.

The flop is Ks9s7x. Bullitos checks, BB shoves for slightly over 10k, I jam for around 40k, Juha folds, and Bullitos calls all in for around 4k-5k. At this point we tell the dealer to stop so we can discuss running it twice. I was concerned with the language barrier so several times I clarified that we were running it twice for the whole pot. I specifically said the whole pot, run it twice, so that there would be no confusion. We all agree.

The first board runs out Ks9s7x As 4x. Second board runs out 7x 6x. BB shows AAxx, and I table my hand. Bullitos has a wrap which gets scooped. So at this point we should be chopping up Bullitos’ money as well as the main pot, and each taking back our money for the side pot. In total the main pot has around 36k in it after the flop action, so my share should be 18k. This is when the chaos starts.”

“This is when the chaos started” said Ansky. He explained that the Spanish guy is now claiming that following the rules of the casino, you can only run it twice in heads up pots but that it is forbidden in multi-way pots. Therefore if they follow the rule it is only valid for the side pot and that the first board apply for the main pot only.

Ansky said that at this point there was quite a big of a gathering around their table and people are yelling in both Spanish and english, the dealer was just standing there a bit overwhelmed with the situation. The BB guy finally walked away to get the floor. Ansky mentioned also that

“he appears to be a local and to know the staff, but I will admit that is just my read of the situation and I don’t know that for sure.”

The story should have end well for Ansky when the first floor manager rules that the verbal agreement they did was binding, therefore the run it twice is valid…well the story doesn’t end here…a higher up floor manager is called and decided that the multi way pots is forbidden, therefore the entire main pot is awarded to the BB with AA.

At this point it seems that the Spanish guy even said that “he had no agreement on running it twice in the main pot”.

The situation heats up as people try to take pictures of the situation and casino goes at them saying that taking a picture will lead to ban them from the casino. To note as well that the floor manager refused to give out his name claiming that his name is “poker manager” every time somebody asked him.

The hand and story ends here when the floor instructed the dealer to ship the pot to the BB and that the argument was over. Very angry, Ansky posted the whole story on 2+2to get people’s opinions. Lots of people are saying maybe the spanish guy misunderstood but Ansky added that the dealer who probably speaks spanish and english confirmed that they all agreed to the run it twice before dealing.

Lots of people are also arguing that the rules are the rules, what’s your opinion ? Should a verbal agreement with witnesses be enough to hold ?

Bullets Poker Set

Hopefully if you are in Barcelona to play and read this article you will make sure to always follow the blueprint rules of the casino or you might get angled by the locals !


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